Video Interviews and Lectures
Interview: Stella Ghervas discusses Conquering Peace with David Armitage
(June 15, 2021)
Podcast: Interview on New Books Network: Conquering Peace
(April 28, 2021)
Schuman Lecture: Europe’s Pursuit of Peace: Past, Present and Future
(Maastricht University, May 8, 2017)
On Talkin' Business, Maastricht University
Lecture "Calming the Waters? Toward a New History of the Black Sea":
(Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, April 24, 2017)
Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University sur Facebook Watch
Stella Ghervas on the Black Sea
Lecture: "Who is In and Who is Out? - Inclusion and Exclusion in European Conference Diplomacy, 1815-2015"
(German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin, June 8, 2015)
Whenever diplomatic conferences have taken place after a large European war there was one major question: who should be invited to participate in it, and who should not? This question has presented itself again and again to the former belligerents. Or, in other words and more precisely, why should one party be allowed to participate, and why should they not participate? Are there criteria for narrowing down the number of participants, and conversely for enlarging it? Dr. Stella Ghervas, Visiting Scholar at Harvard University’s Center for European Studies and Senior Fellow at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine in Bordeaux, tries to find some answers on these crucial questions. In her speech, she focuses particularly on the Vienna order and then draws parallels with later moments.
Interview: "L’Europe par la paix"
(Interview conducted by Florent Guénard for La Vie des idées, Paris, September 6, 2012)
L'Union européenne, mal comprise par ses citoyens, souffre d'un vrai déficit d'image. Est-il possible d'y remédier ? Oui, en changeant de discours et en élargissant les schémas d'explication, dans l'espace et dans le temps : il faut inclure les pays de l'Europe orientale et remonter au siècle des Lumières. En se fondant sur l'histoire européenne, Stella Ghervas expose pourquoi l'idée de paix pourrait bien être le principe de légitimation de l'Union. Stella Ghervas, historienne de l'Europe, est chercheur à la (...)
Présentation du livre Alexandre Stourdza et l'Europe de la Sainte-Alliance
(AcademicaEuropa, January 3, 2011)
Interview: "L'Europe élargie, de la Sainte-Alliance au Traité de Lisbonne".
(Interview conducted by Alain d’Iribarne, Institut d’Etudes Avancées, Paris, July 20, 2009)